Global Materials sources fine building materials for clients who want their floors, cabinets, beams and stone work to speak to their home's style on par with the client's other equally fine elements and choices in their lifestyle.
What distinguishes Global Materials from other fine building suppliers, particularly from other wood companies, is the company's owners personal attention to finding the perfect material for your home, boat, office or vacation property. We source from small, unique, family-run mills where personal pride is evident in every production run. Our close working relationships with our suppliers and the premium we pay for the finest quality materials ensure that the best is reserved for clients of Global Materials. We may be at an Amish sawmill in Pennsylvania one day, a Pennsylvania Dutch mill the next day, in an old-growth Canadian forest with a logger the next week, and in a doug fir tree farm in New Mexico two weeks later, each time talking directly to the owner-source of your home's next wood enhancement. We can even find you a complete antique barn of hand-hewn eastern hardwood of now extinct trees, 200-years-old, have it disassembled and completely reassembled on your property!
Much larger companies, whose prices are designed to cover salaries of their marketing staff and costs of their advertising departments, purchase through brokers and demolition companies who offer them inferior and sub-standard materials. Our company is family-owned and small; just as importantly, we have an unmitigated passion for finding the best products for you.
Global Materials sources and supplies fine building materials, particularly wood products for flooring, antique, recovered and reclaimed woods; complete old hardwood barns from the eastern United States and Canada or western doug fir barns from Canada; new and exotic domestic and imported woods, blanks for cabinet shops and furniture manufacturers, and timber packages which include beams as large as three feet by four feet and as long as 85 feet! We can supply your brownstone on either coast or any continent, as well as your little retreat in the mountains.